"Everynight I dream, I scream the animal scream" The Cure, Burn 1994 "Nature is the greatest of teachers.....it reveals and conceals many things, and we must seek to uncover the secrets that she possesses" Dr.Maung Gyi
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Ular Mannerism footage
This is to teach correct Ular (Snake) footwork at "zero" range.
If the posture is incorrect and the pressure between the legs to weak, the paper will drop
This pressure can be used to strengthen an otherwise "Skinny" stance, a stance which both protects your own knees and prevents knee-takedowns at close range , but also give you great maneuverability in all directions. also great for gaining leg strength used choking techniques with the legs from the Sawa mannerism.
The Mannerism one is just a simple "Flow" free lancing using Ular mannerism.
The aim here is to get spontaneity of movement, creativity and expression of the animal, see if you can spot the changes from Ular Sendok (Cobra) and Sawa (Python)
Wednesday, 26 November 2008

(Ular Sendok and Ular Sawar)
Since the dawn of time the image of the snake as inspired both fear and respect, exalted by some peoples and demonized by others, no animal as left the same indelible mark on the human psyche as the snake.
Hello again
In my last article I went into great detail on animal mannerisms in general and covered also the Harimau mannerisms so has to not repeat myself; I would suggest readers who haven’t read that article "Tooth and Claw"
posted Nov 1st to do so, for a greater detail on my take on animal mannerisms in general.
This month I want to talk about the Ular or snake mannerisms of the style, these are the Sendok which is the Cobra and Sawar which is the Python.
Like these mannerisms, snakes themselves can be divided into two types Venomous and non-venomous or "Constrictors"
While no animal is more important than another the Ular systems are a expressed a lot throughout the system and indeed many of the movements from the Jurus are influenced by the Snake and a lot of what makes are style look and feel the way it does, is in no small part down to an expression of these “tricky” “sneaky” serpentine movements.
I would like to deal with these animals and mannerisms separately in regards to tactics and training methodology as while there are some, similarities there are enough differences to warrant separate detail.
Due to the length of this article I will deal with the Sendok first and in a couple of weeks post the Sawa.
Like its namesake the Cobra, which is defensive by nature (Apart from hunting for food) its movements are mostly counter-offensive, but no less deadly. Through body angling, re-direction and glancing parries a cobra stylist can deliver a barrage of viscous and fatal blows from a unseen angle to vital targets, namely the throat and eyes.
Its venom, although not the deadliest, if left untreated will cause death due to cardiac arrest or lung failure within 60 mins depending on the species, and the seer amount injected; the Indian King Cobra for example will kill a man depending on age within 40-60 mins.
We do not possess fangs and venom, but by use of the Snake fist we can deliver, haematoma’s or deep level damage (internal bleeding) which mimics the effect of the cobras venom, braking down tissue and flesh; anyone who’s seen the gruesome effects
of a Rattlesnake bite will testify to the result eventually the neurotoxin reaches the nerves of the diaphragm and stops its function causing asphyxiation and or cardiac arrest.
Snakes have very poor eyesight, no outer ear and a poorly developed inner ear and can only ear sound when their jaws are on the ground, and without limbs, one would think, that as a predatory animal their disadvanges would have meant that they would simply die-out, but yet they have adapted and developed to become without doubt the most successful predator in the nature (Apart from Man)
Their extraordinary sensory skills and adaptations have meant that apart from the Antarctic and Ireland they can be found everywhere in the world they have mastered movement on the ground, under-ground, up trees, across deserts, the seas and one type of snake in Malaysia can even glide through the air! They where around 100 million years, before we climbed down from the trees, an amazing achievement.
All snakes "smell" the air and this is their primary sense.
The air is full of all kinds of molecules, dust, pollen, and animal scents of all kinds, due to an organ called the "Jacobson’s organ" the snake tongue, flicks out and collects these molecules these scents are then picked up by this organ and the information sent to the snakes brain.
The fact that its tongue is forked or split into two, is so that it can receive this information in stereo; pinpointing the target, its eyes used only at VERY close range, some more sophisticated snakes like the Vipids and some constrictors for example, have heat sensitive pits under the mouth to detect fluctuations in temperature to aid in target location, some Vipids can detect a changes in temperature of a thousand of a degree!
So what can we learn from this beautiful and deadly animal?
I don’t mean getting in tune with your” inner woman" this is the type of sensitivity developed from tactile sensitivity.
Like one develops through sensitivity drills similar to Wing Chuns Chi-Sau are practiced in this style, right and left leads as there is no lead to a limbless snake!
the development for tactile sensitivity is essential for fighting especially at the "Zero" range of this mannerism.
A deadly blow could be thrown in the blink of an eye and only a developed tactile sensitivity will save you at this range allowing you to feel the blow before the eye picks up the movement.
Any hand drills which remain in constant contact are good for this skill, there are so many good ones found within Cimande, Kelid is one example but there are several, whether from other Silat styles or from hand drills from other arts. The Filipino Kali drill Higut- Hubud sometimes known as “Hubud Lubud” are also other great for this as one can add in the element of spontaneity adding in punches, locks counter locks, throws, weapons going into ground work it’s a great all rounder. Chi-Sau already mentioned also Taiji-Chuans (Taichi Chuans) “Pushing Hands” drill, also good for this type of sensitivity, once you have the muscle memory start playing with these drills working to blind-folded and ”feel” the movements and the energy.
Also useful are leg Chi-Sau type drills to gain leg sensitivity
Snakes are FAST! very fast and combined with the above skill can make someone fast, appear even faster.
The fastest snake the Sawscale Viper.
It can go from coiled position opening its mouth, unfolding its fangs, lunging, biting and injecting venom to folding its fangs back again, closing its mouth, and returning to a coiled up position in 0.13 of a second!
The human eye cannot follow the strike, it is so swift. And with blows this deadly a stylist becomes an indomitable fighter. Training your snake blows and figure eights wearing wrist and ankle weights will really help build up speed. Cellular memory, from repeated repetition Boring! But, the best way to build instinctive speed.
Working with hanging paper drills at half power will help with focus, as will working with Candles, take a snake blow and with the candle placed SAFELY a few inches away punch it out, stay relaxed and focused as you get better at this drill try moving the candle away, I got this to about a foot or more at my best
Snakes have a near 100% success rate with their strike and are intently focused, most Cobras will watch there prey intently and will follow its movement with it head even bobbing around from side to side to do so.
this is how so called "Snake charmers" perform they don’t hypnotize the snake or make it dance to music, snakes have no ears like we do, the vibration of the charmers foot tapping alerts it , and the snake thinking the charmers pipe is another snake raises up its hood, stands, fixes its eyes and follows it movements.
Again, combined with the above skills, a stylist can become even more deadly.
Working with hanging paper again and hanging small targets (I use cats toy balls) helps this, as does working with floor to ceiling ball and focus mitts with a coloured sticker on it, stay focused and relaxed when working on accuracy.
Snakes are very good at moving in any direction, "slippery as a snake" handlers tend to get bitten, when they relax after finishing handling the snake, the snake senses the "drop in guard" and bites when the target doesn’t expect it.
In this way being able to strike from any direction when our opponent least expects it. Playing with Weave and Sheer steps, and basic juru and langka footwork, also light sparring helps to get practice out of the flow.
As mentioned before the snakes ability to move at such speeds over any terrain without legs is amazing through the development of good footwork the practitioner can move with speed in multiple directions and different heights to either escape the aggressor, most snakes will try to escape a larger animal. Or to get in close to deliver its strike.
Again snakes fangs are very specialist and sensitive equipment, snakes are very conscious after the bite to withdraw their teeth without injury to themselves, so learning to utilize footwork to withdraw or dis-engage is also very useful.
Without this, none of the other skills will work, snakes are NEVER tense!
This is probably one the greatest lessons learned from the snake.
While honing the above skills separately are of benefit, it’s only in combination with relaxation that the mannerism comes alive.
With fluidity one can improve on all these skills mentioned, but with out it you could not, it helps our sensitivity as we can adhere to our opponent better when we are fluid and relaxed
it aids greatly angulations and speed of movement due to its relaxed and adaptable nature, speed of strike as, like a snake a fast relaxed strike has much more impact than a bludgeoning blow, whipping out like an actual snakes strike, requires relaxation.
Moving in mannerism is the best tool for this start slow, facing east , the direction on the circle of creation associated with the element of fire and the snake. Start to move like a snake free your mind and see what just “comes out”.
A quick note on conditioning of the snakefist, start incrementally by pushing the extended knuckles into fine grain sand, build up to wood, then softly tap them against wood working up to stone SLOWLY! be careful not to push in the position of the actual snake fist or you'll destroy the knuckle of your second (protruding) finger.
Condition the lower two knuckles seperatly from the upper two so your working on level-ish knuckles the lower two are worked in the same position as the snake fist but side on and upper two more front on (more like the actual snake head strike).
Once you have this, hold the same positions but from a push-up stress position, kneeing down and lowering your weight of the upper body on to the knuckles, working gradually up to a full press ups on the knuckles.
Remember to always keep your wrist aligned straight with the knuckles or you'll brake you wrists, this should remembered on the actual snake fist strike too again, to avoid potential damage to the wrist.
Snakes are beautiful and there’s so much as persilat’s that we can learn from them. Go out and really study Ular don’t just learn to mimic it to pass the next grading, take time to learn, study the animal you claim kinship with, go to Pet shops, Zoo’s talk to zoo keepers pet shop owners get on the net and get under the skin not just of the Cobra but all animals you study.
As I said in my last article an UNDERSTANDING of the creature from the heart is more important than a shed load of empty techniques.
I apologize again for the length of the article, but there’s so much I want to get out there, and please any feedback is always appreciated.
In a week or two I’ll post my favorite Sawa ;)
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Animal Magic !
Part (I)
"Tooth and Claw"
(Harimau, Macan, Pamacan, Kucing)
It is my intention to bring you a series of five articles each based on one
of the four animal styles practiced in our style of Pencak Silat Pukulan Cimande Combat.
Harimau (Tiger), Ular (Snake), Monjet (Monkey), Blekok (Crane)
The fifth animal being, the mythical Naga.(Dragon-Serpent)
The name for this series of articles comes from a children’s television show from the UK (for those old enough to remember, the late great Johnny Moris's show "Animal Magic") ;)
I want to kick off with the first animal I've studied the Tiger system known in nearly all Pencak Silat styles to some degree.
Apart from those which shunned the use of animal mannerisms due to religious reasons, (another story, that I wont be drawn into)
The Tiger is known by many names Harimau being the most known but also Pamacan and Chi Macan from West Java and the Kucing of Wali Songo,
Harimau, which is thought to have originated in the Mingankabau region of the Island of Sumatra.
There are styles that originate from this region which specialize in this animal entirely and it is immediately discernable by its low even supine postures on the ground.
In our system the Harimau is utilized should the practitioner slip, fall or be pushed or thrown to the ground, here due to his training at this level he will have the muscle memory and leg strength to move and feel comfortable down there on the ground, a really un-nerving place to find yourself if your not accustomed to being there.
On a more advanced level some stylists may use these postures as what’s called in JKD circles "Attack by drawing" and in ours as a "Decoy" posture
To draw the aggressor into making the mistake of thinking his floored target is at a disadvantage a big error!
From this position the Harimau stylist is actually at a great advantage, why?
Firstly if we take a posture called "Raja Harimau" or King Tiger as one example, here the practitioner as three very sturdy points of contact with the floor from which he can launch very powerful blows either with his hands/paws or legs to the opponents weakest targets groin, ankles knees.
Most of the blows are done with the open hand in a clawing, slapping manner
Smashing into which will cause "Structural damage" to his support and bring him crashing down to the ground where his "poor disadvantaged" target is waiting for his dinner!
Another advantage to this posture is that all your vital targets are facing the floor under you, away from the attackers reach, his only options which are now limited already, are to attack the stylists legs, supporting arm or head, with his kicks; which the stylist as countless defences for.
If the attacker decides to bend all the way down to punch the harimau stylist in the head then he's really unbalanced himself and just asking to be eaten.
The Harimau stylist is taught that the Tiger is related to the element of Earth from Mother Earth he draws both his strength and power which on a physical level could be seen as increased stability, lowering his centre of balance so low to the earth itself and positioning his vital organs in such a way to seek protection from her.
The strategy of the Harimau stylist is to bring is or her! Prey down like a tiger in the wild pouncing on its would be lunch and using its massive strength and mass to bring the target straight to the ground, likewise Earth energy is imagined descending to the ground.
A quick note about postures these are NOT static frames of movement, simply imagine moving somewhere and someone pressing a pause button that position you are in at that paused moment in the flow is a posture and they should be thought of it in that way.
The postures of not only the Harimau and other Tiger styles but of all the animal postures are a brief moment, caught in time.
We learn the movements and postures to give us the ability to MOVE not to stand still and wait for an attack.
On the level of mannerism the postures give us a “vessel” for the animal "Spirit" to dwell in when and while its needed, much like the police dog team; when the bad guy makes a run for it the policeman doesn’t run after him he gives the specified verbal signal to his dog and of it goes.
Its much faster and as much more power and is fiercer than the officer would be and when the dog catches the bad guy its bites down on the persons arm doing negligible damage and stops, waits for its handler to arrive and even thought its instincts are to jump up and rip the throat out of its target its training allows it to keep its instincts in check until the handler arrives and takes back control.
To me this is how the mannerisms should be viewed.
The word "Spirit" as a lot many connotations to many different people about many different things, but the way it’s viewed by me personally is a "state of mind" a trance like state, where through training and expression of our training and knowledge of the animal we're studying
as an effect on our minds unlocking and engaging something often referred to as the "Reptilian brain"
this ancient, ancient primal, survival part of the brain which is used in those moments where our lives are in danger, something clicks into place and for that moment we're not us but something else.
Of course this is not the state you want to walk around in all day every day but to be able to use what in NLP would be called an "Anchor" and immediately we are able to go into this mindset which as MANY great benefits to the fighter and I'm not talking about needing to win the next trophy in a match fight. I mean when your life is about to be taken from you.
The would be assailant finds the man or women he just attacked as just changed into an enraged Tiger who due to this mindset doesn’t have any of the Mammalian concepts of "should I do this or that techniques", "should I worry about the legal ramifications of this blow", no.
It knows only how to hunt attack and bring down its prey.
Of course the legalities of our actions are very important and I'm not saying for a moment they should be ignored UNLESS your, or your families lives are about to be taken from you, what else can you do?
Let me ask you, would a tiger care, if the hunter, who after shooting its mate and cubs found he forgotten to reload when he pointed his rifle at him?
Other benefits are increased strength, deeper longer breaths, and decrease in the feeling of pain complete loss of fear and the tenaciousness and ferocity to bring down the prey.
This as a direct demonstrative effect on the attacker who's now, likely to be ripped and smashed to shreds, all but the most determined assailants would just rather look for an easier target.
Of course this involves a great deal of training with a qualified Guru and hours of practice, but it becomes not the imitation of an animal, (sure it starts that way at first,) but eventfully after some practice your not “faking” or “mimicking” a tigers movements anymore.
like a character actor takes on and becomes his role, for the time you train in the mannerism its almost like its not you and something else takes over the controls.
When you want to "Come out" of it using breathing techniques and other methods its like you were away somewhere not knowing exactly what "Moves" you made.
This is what I believe is the start of the animal "Spirit" staying with us for a while.
The other style's Macan or Pamacan and Kucing utilize postures slightly higher than the really low Harimau ones some utilizing a kneeling position using many kneeling postures and clawing attacks, knees, elbows, leaping techniques and takedowns.
And scores over the Harimau only in the method of being slightly more manoeuvrable at an early stage of training than the Harimau and is used when the tiger stylist is unsure of the number of attackers and wants to stay a little more "Cat like".
One thing I notice a lot, is that there are a lot of stylists who are very rigid or tense with their tiger I guess under the belief this is strength and if that’s their expression of a tiger then great, but if you have ever had a pet cat you’ll know to well their NEVER tense or rigid, the flexibility of their spines are such that they can turn their body 360 and keep their head focused on their prey.
To close I’d like to direct your attention,(thanks for staying with me on this one the others will be shorter, but felt the need to explain a little about the mannerisms in general,) to the best expression of Harimau I’ve seen to date.
Its to big a vid to attach but please check out the link below.
Copy into your browser
The more observant of you may notice the effect the practitioner as on the crowd as he get to close, they move like he’s a big cat and not just a guy, you’ll see what I mean perhaps a instinctive response to the spirit he’s projecting!
Thanks, train safe, see you next month with the Ular or Snake systems ;)