Pukulan Cimande Concepts are proud to announce our first of several course’s in Women’s Self Defence. These courses are intensive 10 weeks courses aimed at giving all women regardless of martial background, a very firm basic in self defence and front line personal protection.
The course planned to run from May, while targeted at beginners will prove invaluable to women from complete novice to those with some back ground within either martial arts or self defence.
Regardless of where we live our status or career having some understanding of personal protection in this day and age is becoming sadly more and more essential. Our course while not claiming to protect you from EVERY threat; will give you a strong, functional understanding and skill base to counter most common threats in a practical, pragmatic and efficient way; greatly bettering your odds of survival should the event arise.
So has to give the best possible tuition and due to numbers, places are on a “first come first served” basis with a maximum of 15 places per course.
For those willing to try and test their skills learnt, the final week of the course will feature a “Realistic Assault / Rape Scenario”
The hope is that these courses for run periodically along with other shorter Intermediate and Advanced course’s for those completing the first course and looking to strengthen their skill set.
For more information on anything above, including venue start dates and prices please contact myself Sion-marc either via email simpson76@tiscali.co.uk or 07867777484.